Although I don't hunt in Michigan, I am amazed that with all the deer hunting seasons, and doe tags, the DNR does not require mandatory registration?
In minnesota since I can remember registration was mandatory. It has gotten easier to go online now however, the importance is of high value.
How do they know for sure what the Deer Harvest is? With not having mandatory registration, how many deer are being tagged w/o tags?
It seems as though a great state like Michigan, would want to wrap there arms around such a tremendous resource and protect the herd to ensure long term hunting experience, not only from residents but potentially non-residents and the revenue the local economy enjoys from the experience.
I'm not a game manager but without specific harvest data how can you evaluate?????
BAITING: I have experienced this first hand in a state that it is Illegal. The MNDNR couldn't keep up with the violations this fall, they had numerous violaters that were caught the previous fall.
I hunt a small patch and there is a person with 5 acres along the road, that baits deer with Corn. It completely throws off any "normal" deer browsing and movement". Although it is completely illegal, he doesn't hunt during shooting hours or from a stand. Difficult to get caught. Baiting in an area with agricultural crops etc probably not as effective.
But where I'm hunting and no ag fields for a couple of miles, it is like Happy Hour Feeding. Really discusting. :mad: