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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Last 2 Days for Illinios  (Read 935 times)

Online Burnsie

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Last 2 Days for Illinios
« on: January 13, 2012, 06:36:00 PM »
Cold and snowy, I'm gonna give it a try and see if
I can't put something in the freezer by Sunday afternoon.
"You can't get into a bar fight if you don't go to the bar" (Grandma was pretty wise)

Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 06:59:00 PM »
Good luck and stay warm!
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines don’t have that problem.
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Offline Fletcher

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 08:02:00 PM »
I hope to be out there with you, Burnsie.  Too cold tomorrow, forecast 9 degrees here, but Sat and Sun afternoon should be pretty bearable.  I have Monday off work so Sunday PM is a go.
Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from bad judgement.

"The next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing."

"An archer doesn't have to be a bowhunter, but a bowhunter should be an archer."

Offline statedriller

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 08:04:00 PM »
Good luck and don't forget the required orange...
I'm getting more dangerous all the time...

Online kennym

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 08:25:00 PM »
Good luck guys! Ours ends the 15th also!

It was cold tonite, especially when the sun went down!
Stay sharp, Kenny.


Offline adeeden

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 08:26:00 PM »
I went out this evening for a bit, cold cold cold! I did have a good doe group (5 does and yearlings)pass by just before dark but let'em walk. Been easy on the does the last few years as the populations down a bit here localy. I go back to work tomorrow so my 2011 seasons officialy over!
"I would rather be lucky then good, any day!"

Online Hawkeye

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 10:57:00 PM »
I was out... with hunter orange as required... this afternoon.  I have been trying diligently for the past two weeks to get o-n-e more for the freezer, but sightings have been few and far between, and close encounters have been non-existent.

Tonight I was hunting on the ground, tucked in front of a walnut tree and behind a natural blind made by two downed trunks.  The wind was wrong for everywhere I really wanted to be, and I thought with temps 15 degrees and falling, and 15 mph breezes, it would be as "warm" as was possible down lower.

There were no tracks in the snow (that fell yesterday), and not a deer to be seen for the first two hours.  As it began to feel like it would soon be too dark to shoot, I took a peek at my watch and saw there were 12 minutes left in shooting hours. I figured with the snow, I might actually be able (willing) to shoot right up to the last few minutes for a change... as if there were something to shoot at!  

Two minutes later, I saw the flicker of movement across the field, and a doe and two fawns began picking their way across at an unusually direct "clip."  I was amazed to see them actually coming my general direction, and pleased when they paused at edge of the woods at 20 yards, as if the doe was deciding which direction to take.  She was closest, with the fawns 5 yards farther beyond her, and unaware of my presence. I held my bow at ready at 1/4 draw, but there was a screen of wild raspberry brambles between us... open, but not open enough to slip an arrow through without fear of deflection.

"My" doe began to move as another doe and two more fawns came trotting from across the field, and her next steps made her cross my footpath from coming in that afternoon.  She did not spook, but was instantly more alert.  She took a dozen quick steps along the field edge, and stopped at 15 yards as I came to 1/2 draw.  It was a great broadside shot, except for two little dead vines about as big around as a kite string that crisscrossed from a branch  1/3 of the way to her to make an "X" across her kill zone.  Light was fading just enough that I could not be sure whether there was a clear path to shoot though.  One more step would have done it, but it was a step she did not take!  I always say that bowhunting is often "a game of seconds and inches".  For the second time in a few moments, that was the case, today!

She was uneasy, and jumped off toward her "kids" as yet another deer, a six-point buck, started across the field.  She snorted once, and everybody was suddenly on alert, but she stopped broadside once again, right it the middle of a shooting lane.

I hit full draw at the same time she stopped, considered the shot for a tenth of a second, and held my fire.  It didn't feel right.  She seemed too far for comfort.  She was wired to go.

Five seconds later, they were all trotting to the center of the field.  Thirty seconds later, I was alone... and satisfied that I had made the right choice, and had a GREAT hunt!

As I left, chilly but smiling, I stood where the doe had stopped at my full draw, and realized she had been over 30 yards.  No shot was a good choice, this time.

As Burnsie says in his title, there are but two days left in our season.  I'll be out trying, the Lord willing.  I'd say the odds are VERY long at this point, but you already know the result, if you don't go to the field.  

It only takes a minute to shoot a deer.  I hope one of us will be there, and be ready in that moment!!!

Keep after 'em, my friends...
Daryl Harding
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot

Traditional bowhunting is often a game of seconds... and inches!

Offline emt137

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 11:27:00 PM »
Good luck, guys! I won't be making it out, and I didn't get anything this year. It was my first year hunting and I had a blast so I'm already looking forward to next season.

Everyone be safe out there!

"For man only stays human by preserving large patches of simplicity in his life, while the tendency of many modern inventions...is to weaken his consciousness, dull his curiosity, and, in general, drive him nearer to the animals." -George Orwell

Offline wapiti792

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 11:41:00 PM »
I will be there! 22 hours of daylight  :)  I am as stoked as the opener! Good luck and be safe.
Mike Davenport

Offline waknstak IL

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2012, 12:40:00 AM »
Going out one last time tomorrow.
"You can't have NO in your heart"- Joe Dirt

Online Burnsie

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2012, 10:45:00 AM »
Thanks for the reminder on the orange.  I'm wondering if I am required to in a public area that does not allow guns?
"You can't get into a bar fight if you don't go to the bar" (Grandma was pretty wise)

Offline Fletcher

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2012, 10:48:00 AM »
Probably will, Burnsie.  Orange is required if there is a firearm deer season in the county you are hunting.  I know I'll need it in Morgan Co.
Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from bad judgement.

"The next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing."

"An archer doesn't have to be a bowhunter, but a bowhunter should be an archer."

Online Burnsie

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2012, 11:09:00 AM »
Thanks Rick, I just checked the DNR web site map and it shows Champaign, Piatt and DeWitt as counties closed to the 2nd Late-Winter antlerless season.  I may make some calls to be sure?
Morgan county shows as open with limit of 1, Cass county just above you is open - unlimited.
"You can't get into a bar fight if you don't go to the bar" (Grandma was pretty wise)

Offline toddster

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2012, 11:33:00 AM »
I was out there thursday evening, yes I know was cold and snowing, that what wool is for.  Seen 20 does, and 4 bucks.  Had 6 does with in 20 yards, but couldnt shoot, had two 8 yards from me.  I was hunting on ground so couldn't move.

Online Rick Wiltshire

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2012, 02:09:00 PM »
Planning to make it out tomorrow PM.  Thanks for the reminder about open counties, fortunately Iroquois is not open.

Offline Duker

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2012, 05:09:00 PM »
Best of luck to all Illinois tradgangers  :archer2:

Offline Altiman94

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Re: Last 2 Days for Illinios
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2012, 05:24:00 PM »
Keep after em!! I love hunting in the snow....unfortunately where I'm at in IA we did not get snow in time for bow season.

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