Well today was fun but it didn't work out like I wanted it to. First off I woke up late (problem I have when my deer tags are full) which wasn't a big deal since my camera showed most activity mid day to the afternoon. Then when I reached my popup blind at 8:00 I realized while I was messing with my camera last night I left it on and the batteries where dead. Around 9:30 a squirrel bounced out of the woods in the powerline about 7 yards away and I thought I'd like to shoot at him but I rushed off this morning and forgot my judo point arrows. I had 3 broadheads in my quiver and thought 1 won't hurt. I focused came to full draw and released, the shot went right over him but it didn't sound right. I looked up and realized I had hit the top of my blind with my upper limb on the shot and tore a hole in it. Then I went to retrieve my arrow and couldn't find it. White feathers in snow are hard to find. I'll have to borrow a metal detector from a buddy next week. Around 2 the birds finally came by, but from the opposite direction I thought they would. I ended up trying a long hail mary on the last day and came up empty and lost another arrow, really need that metal detector now. LOL! It was a fun day and only a hero shot at the end would have made it better. Now the post season work begins. Mineral licks, clearing some new stand locations, taking down stands, and brushing in fixed turkey blinds for the spring, and getting ready for crappie. I'll also run my beagles some in the next couple of weeks. I'm kinda glad its over but in a month or two I'll be anticipating September like a kid on Christmas Eve.