I am gonna brag about James Berry to you guys if thats okay. I was given the opportunity to build a bow with James for my up and coming Cape buff hunt this June. So I took full advantage of James offer. The bow turned out just beautiful. I will post pics later this week.It's a Vixen 68" #78@28". I can't tell you guys enough how great of a bowyer James is. If your looking to buying His Argos, do it.Your in good hands and you will get a great bow. My wife loves her Argos James made for her this past August.It shoots very nice and it spits her POC arrows out like lightening.Her bow is 60" #43@25" Heck, call him up you can't go wrong. James will treat you like Family. I will let you in on a little secret, Take mickydo french frys for his dog if you want past the gate. lol