Originally posted by HenrikBP: Looks great.One technical note: the thumbnails, on for instance your in-stock bows, are all fairly big file size (one I checked was 791k - could be ~10k), so the page loads quite slowly. It would load much quicker if your webmaster were to replace those big image files with much smaller files which in turn would link to larger/higher resolution files when clicked. Also, even for high quality images, 791k is pretty high.Hope that made sense,Henrik
Originally posted by Guru: David, I luv the look of your bows, but to me, and this is just constructive criticism, but I don't care for the slogan with the word "sexiest".To me, "sexiest" and bows just don't go together...
Originally posted by statedriller: Site looks great, and I like sexy bows too. One suggestion... When you click on the Predator pics for larger ones, they aren't much larger. Might not hurt to make them bigger and easier to see. Nice to compare the patterns that way.
Originally posted by primitivealltheway: love that dark side of the rainbow bow ,bring that one to tannahill when you come...