If you don't care if it's purple or pinkish I saw a block of somewhat heavy dense type material that has the same texture as most foam inserts for just over $12.00 and you get two blocks that are @3"thick by about 6"x9" rectangler....It was in the exercise equipment isle somewhere..You could always cut a piece of leather and adhere it to the foam to hide the purple/pink if you afraid of being seen with that color with some plumber's goop or household goop...It's a block for doing push ups or Yoga but just thought it would help some of us here who needs some quick foam...I'm sure you could cut it in little workable pieces with a "hack em off saw" and shape it to fit your quiver's of choice,broadhead box's,p.v.c bow case's and well you get the picture...I had something that looks like the same material and shaped with by bench sander till it fit my quiver a few years ago...Forgive me if I wasn't able to mention that here but lots of people are looking for foam for quivers and you were on my thought list when I saw this stuff....P.m. me if you need to know where I seen it...P.s. I found it elsewhere also and you can get black or olive green also for $6.00 a block and they have cork solid blocks...God Bless,