I'm new to this trad stuff and I've been reading a lot about arrow spine and weight.It seems there a lot of people on here that know a lot about what arrow is good for a certain bow(or at least a ballpark figure).I currently shoot a 55 lb @28" bear grizzly.When i bought the bow they measured my draw lentgh at 30" by the ruler on the chest outstretched arms method.
My arrows(which they recomended)are Easton Legacy 2216s cut at 31".I shoot 125 grain field points and muzzys with practice blades.I draw till the back of the blade just touches my knuckle.It seems to shoot ok.
Just wonderd y'alls opinion on this combination.Btw I weighed the arrow with broadhead on my reloading scale and it was 500 grains,give or take.Thanks.