Keith once had a bad batch of glue quite a long time ago.It took a while to figure out what the problem was, since it could have been in the glass,too. That was the only reason bows were breaking/delaminating. This can happen to any bowyer.
If limbs break, most likely the bow is strung up wrong. I have seen the damaged limbs from customers which were shipped back and there was none which had any problems before. All these were failures typical for leave a limb slightly twisted after stringing and then pulling the bow all the way back. I've seen it live happening with a $1500 bow from another bowyer.
If one guy built about 5500 bows,and an average failure rate of 3%, it would make about 165 failed bows. This is a very low rate and a bowyer is always dependent on the quality of his raw materials. Dustin,I'll have my assortent of show bows with me at the TN classic for everyone to try.