Trying to tune my 45# 1971 Grizzly. My drawlength is right at 29", Shooting Easton Gamegetter 2016's at 31" with a 125gr head. I can't get my nock high to go away regardless of nockpoint. My left to right seems to be dead on. Any suggestions on what to try next? shot pwobably 100 arrows today trying to fix this to no avail. Nockpoint is set to about 3/8 nock high right now. When bareshaft tuning, my bareshafts always hit low no matter of nock height. I'm shooting at about 15 yds.Very frustrating. Braceheight is set to 8 1/2" with a new D55 string. Anybody have any suggestions? I can get what seems like good arrow flight up to 30 yds with fieldpoints, but barshaft says otherwise. It wouldn't bother me, but I'm sort of a perfectionist.