Well, gang, I've returned to TradGang after an hiatus of several years, but the final chapter's happening this coming Friday, when the left foot gets completely rebuilt-finally. The arch in my left foot totally collapsed about two years ago, and after working through a bunch of custom orthotics, flexibility exercises and so forth, having the problem surgically repaired is the only good option. It's really impacted my being able to get out into the woods, but that's gonna change.
So, a renewed "hi" to all of you! In a few months, I should be able to begin learning to walk properly again, and will be back shooting-with a new Bear Kodiak!
And by the way, if some of you other hunters haven't seen a new magazine called "Cooking Wild", get hold of a copy! Plenty of elk recipes, including a Wellington in the Fall issue! Well worth the price of admission!!