Battman: I belong to Prairie Traditional Archers on the Ks side. Our range is in DeSoto. I remember when Gatekeeper and a bunch of us got together to talk about a club on the Missouri side of KC. There was not enough interest at that time to form a club, but I still have the list of interested trad shooters too (if Gatekeeper lost his)
Anyway, I am familiar with Bunch Hollow CA up there near Richmond, Mo. I have hunted it along with Bonanza and Elam Bend. They all offer great stump shooting, deer and turkey hunting too.
Prairie Traditional Archers are having an open shoot on May 19th. There is also a turkey shoot scheduled for Mar 24th for members only, but let me know and I will take you over there and introduce you around. There are a lot of shooters from both sides of the stateline that show up... ( check out the website at: )
What part of kc do you live in? Send me a PM