just found some New old stock KWIKEE SILENCERS -helicopters on fleabay , the cool part is that the seller sent me 1 extra set for free for some reason -one dude from PA Burgettstown , anyway im happy that finally i can set up the bow the Vintage way i wanted it
kwikee silencers
acme Kwikee kwiver
Hoyt-Easton string
bras nock- finger-savers
bow-Ben_Pearson signature 7331 AMO''58 #55 takedown
4 different new vintage broad-heads 125gr
all vintage new old-stock
i know i don't post much..,because-i mean everything about trad archery was dissected and super duper analyzed already here, that's why i signed up to learn and read the available info.
all 3 deer i saw and got close to 10yds in the opened season where to skinny,(only took pics) , so i guess i will just post some pics of my vintAGED bow for some of you to enjoy
but i shoot a lot in my backyard