Now, I dont want to Minimize the Need for some Antimicrobial Wipes, Soaps, and the like.
BUT , didnt We
ALL, as Wee Peoples, Eat Dirt as a Staple?? Always had something on our Hands that was a "Little Less" than Hygienic??
I guess my concern is those
"SUPER Bugs" that
LAUGH at Antibiotics these days. Little Kids are always going to Eat Dirt, Chew on Sticks, Whipe their Snotty Noses on Each Other, or have at least One Stiff Sleeve on their Shirt or Jacket??
We all have to continually
BUILD Our Immune Systems, either with a Whole Cabinet of Supplements, or the
GUMMY Flintstones, that I Personally Prefer! As long as We all try to eat a Relatively Balanced Diet, and encourage our Children to do the same,
AND to Wash Their Hands before Dinner,
Amazing Machine!! It can fight off some Nasty Little Goims and Infections from Our being the Dirty Little Human "Beans" We are!