Well we just dug out of a wet snow storm that dumped up to 2 feet of snow in some places in our area and cut off power to 255,000 people. A cruel end to winter for us, but alas turkey season is approaching. Fred Asbell wrote an excellent article in TBM not long ago about hunt planning. I took this to heart and I beleive I've come up with the perfect turkey season planning:
1) Pull one venison loin out of the freezer(that thankfully survived the power outage).
2) Have the misses go off on a last minute dinner meeting.
3) Get out the bitzenburger jig and remaining shafts that need fletching for spring hunt.
4) Mix Basil Hayden with a splash of water and sit down at the computer with plate of sauteed venison loin, onions and peppers over rice. Sip coctail, place feather in jig and open Trad Gang and start reviewing old turkey threads for tips and techniques.
5) Go on line to MI DNR website and find out you've been drawn for the first hunt period in your unit (yeah, undisturbed birds!!!!).
6) Change feather, sip more whiskey and go back to Trad Gang and review Waldrop packseat threads and how to pack them for turkey season. Consider if Waldrop packseat will get here before spring turkey season. Consider it doesn't matter anyway cause it's a great looking seat.
7) Go back and read more turkey threads and daydream about snow going away so that scouting can begin.
8) Refresh Basil Hayden and repeat thread searches.