Well I've been doing more tinkering.
Its funny, after the last week of poking and proding with this bow I'm right back to where I started spine wise to begin with. She definatly likes a smaller window of spine than I'm used too.
The more I play and make some small changes, the more I'm thinking its nothing more than grip placement on this bow. I remember changing my grip a couple years back shortly after buying this one. Somewhere in there I must have shifted back to my old grip or something in between. That alone made a world of difference.
I think I just named this one.....the red headed stepchild. lol
I plan on having a buddy check out the timing on her. tiller is on, things look fine though I wish the nocks were cut a little deeper. Gotta be careful the loops arent overly large or they'll literally pop out. I have a couple more of them and haven't hardly shot either, matter of fact one is literally brand new, no rest no grip, only shot a couple of times..the other is the ready reserve.
Thanks for the advice! At some point I'm going to tinker with building, and these are the kinds of threads that'll hopefully keep me from reinventing the wheel when that day comes.