I've built a few, they'll work. Its more about rythem than sound.
But I have to say the original primos boxcutter is one sweet box! Mines one sided and they just tear that thing up!!!
I've got some wood ripped and ready to be assembled into a box for the last couple of years.....really have no point with the boxcutter in my bag and some slates. Its againg to perfection
The lynch was my first box, I just gave it to the landowner I hunt on last spring and his son killed a nice tom with it. It works well but just about everyone has one. He had no clue how to call...got a 10mn demo before I ran from a tornadao and an 8 hour drive or I would have missed my plane ride, 2 days out and wamo! hard to beat them.
A high pitched raspy box is deadly!!! The quakerboy boat tails is one I'm considering.
The heart breaker sounds good......
my vest is a walking turkey call section. I have 3 slates I like also. All three primos and than one I build. Old betsy is all slate....I have a alumislate and a 2000 crystal I think its called. they both work very very good! The new power crystal is a little different. the big thing with slates if you can only have one is have extra pegs. And dont cheap out on them!!!! Basically every different peg you have is a new call with one pot. My home made job is a zebra wood pot. Sounds like crap right next to you. walk 50 yards away and I was shocked when I heard someone else run it. Its now become a regular pot in my arsenal and one I really like finishing with.
Regardless what you have, its about rythmn. And when you hit a note they like, dont change!
If you can get your hands on them and run'm you'll know a good box when you hear it. The real hen series is also a good box.
Look up midwest turkey supply...there's LOADS of box's out there and they all kill birds!