I am new to archery and bowhunting; have been practicing now for a little more than a year.
About 3 months ago I hurt my shoulder and realized that I was developing poor form from shooting too heavy of bows (45#-50#). I have really long arms and I wasn't getting proper alignment or full draw. I finally, talked to Dan Toelke and got a 66" Whip that is 43# at my 31" draw. It has been tough rebuilding my form from the ground up but I have improved greatly in accuracy.What a difference!
I want to (try) spring turkey, deer season, and wild pigs in the fall or winter. I have been doing a lot of messing around with bareshafts and point weight to try to get the best flight. So far the best I have found is full length(31.5") ICS Bowhunter 500s with 250 or 300gn fieldpoints. Total arrow weight is 525-575gn.
What do you guys think of this setup? I know it seems like a stiff spine and a heavy arrow for the poundage I am shooting. But I have been shooting a lot of bareshafts from 5-20yds and they group right with my fletched arrows.
I already know that I like heavy arrows and I am fine with the trajectory(part of my problem is that the weaker spined shafts often come in too short of lengths for my draw)
I already have some VPA 3-blade "terminators" and 2-blade "penetrators" that I am thinking of using with this setup. So I am looking for advice or opinions on whether or not I should try to hunt Turkey, Deer, and wild pig with this setup.
Thanks for the help!