I agree if you hit the head, neck, back or centerpunch the vitals any head will do. I killed the first bird with the Spur prototype and am responsible for the general design. I had a few arrows blow through birds only to have them fly off and become coyote bait. I had also had flight issue with some "head choppers" I tried. I set out to design a turkey head of our own. I wanted a head that would do maxim damage and either not pass through (where the bird would have to carry it to run or fly) or to pass the maximum amount of energy to the bird before it passed through. Maximum energy transfer is achieved through rapid decelleration. This is acheived on the VPA Spur in two ways. The gap between the front section and the "spur" blades capture feathers, meat and bone as it turns and the leading edges of the "spur" blades are not sharpened so they tear instead of slice. They do major damage and perform as they were designed. warning: they are very hard on broadhead targets so you will only want to shoot a time or two to verify point of impact! All VPA products carry a satifaction guartantee. If you aren't happy with them return them for a refund! Bowhunter magazine called the SPur the wickedest looking broadhead of the year in 2011. Nice double beard with 1 1/2" Spurs killed with them on opening day last spring was on the cover of Ohio Outdoor News. They are available from the rayzor-vpa.com webstore. Coupon code:tradgang get you free shipping.