You want to set up where there is open ground behind and to the side of you. A cougar is not that afraid of you. They will slink in to point blank range if you have to much cover around you. Hunt in twos if possible. Be ready to call for up to an hour. Do not call every 30 seconds. Leave a varying times between call sets. I like to start with short series of high pitched squeeling like a fawn was just attacked for 3 fast series sets, then taper it off to calling every two tp five minutes. Start of fairly high and then work down in volume over time
Focus your attention to looking thru brush, under limbs and cover, etc... They normally come in slow and are very careful animals. You will see an ear tip, the eyes are what you see most often, or the tail moving as they change positions. I normally hunt with a double barrel shotgun and heavy shot, since we have a lot of brush here. I back it up with a 45 ACP. The guys who used to run them with dogs used 22 Magnum pistol to kill them. A cougar is not all that tough.
Have fun and be persistant, cats travel a huge range, and it may take some time and effort.