Thanks for all of the feedback gentlemen!
I am sure that you are all way better archers than I am and have the record to prove it, but in my original post I stated that it MIGHT be an observation...and I did not claim to be an expert...just adding my own anecdote for consideration....
I am sure glad to learn that I am shooting the wrong arrow out of my hybrid longbow (KANATI - 29.5" draw length with an estimated ~42# of draw weight, since I do not have a bow scale to check), but the data is what the data is and that is that a 31" CX 250 Heritage fletched 3 x 5" with aluminum adapter and 125 gr points paper tunes per-fect-ly and the game that have succumbed to that combination would probably have preferred a different outcome....
I do prefer a heavier arrow to put some arch in my archery and the added benefit of the properly spined CX 250 is that it is a highly durable shaft when shooting ground grizzlies, rabbits, fox, skunks, raccoons, and the occasional prairie dog or rock chuck....
YMMV...but it sounds like you would just shoot my lights out because my set-up is so bush-league so I'll just mind my own business....
Keep the wind in your face!
Shoot straight, Shinken