So Tracy and Mike gave us their most excellent adventure. . . but I have a story that shows just how dangerous turkey hunting with a bow can be!
I headed out for a later afternoon hunt today. I set up the blind (I hate hunting out of blinds!) at the top of a steep slope that runs down to a cliff. The top of the slope flattens out just at little, and birds like to get to that top, flying out over the slope and cliff to roost in big sycamores above the creek. So it is a good evening spot for that last hour.
The entire fiasco stopped short of the 15' cliff as I hit a deadfall. There I lay, inside on the roof of the blind, looking at the sky through the floor, the chair folded up and I am kind of trashed. I am wondering if anything, including me, is broke.
In short order I determined everything was fine. I had to unzip the blind and roll out. Best I can tell I did 2-3 full rolls before stopping.
Good Hunting
Dan (still in KS. . . I think!)