Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but if a mod/admin could please move if this is the wrong place, I would be appreciative.
Looking for some new arrow for my new to me bow. 52@28 Dwyer Dauntless. I pull about 27" DL. I'm still going with carbon shafts because I don't really know what else to work with for the time being.
I had a couple of questions about FOC, and before ordering a couple of test kits, I wanted to make sure I had the correct information. I was told to look for approx. 10 gpp. If I am drawing 49-50 lbs, I was assuming 500 gr. arrow total weight. Should I go with more or is that about right? What about FOC? Do I need to worry about it, and can anyone help? I keep hearing it mentioned, but I need a lot more schooling. Thanks.