Thanks a lot Luke!!!!!!!
The deer hunt was a blast. We got to see a few deer and had a few called in on strings right to us. I was the only one who got a shot.....and like the goats Luke alluded to above......I sailed one right over it's back at about 16yds! I think it is because I was standing upside down over there and my arrows were falling away from the ground instead of towards it (that is my story and I'm sticking to it, anyway). Things seem to be OK again since I got home as I am back on and have taken several critters.
Anyway, a big congrats on that stinking old goat Luke!
P.S. - Luke, you need to read this story; as you, Mick, and Clint are all mentioned in it!;f=1;t=116265 Also, I sent you an email about the shirt - Thanks again!