I think your 45/60's are WAY TOO stiff. The ones I tried acted much much stiffer that expected, even on a center-cut recurve. Stiff arrow always wear the near side of the riser (for me) and sometimes the shelf too, similar to your wear pattern.
If you haven't, add nock sets above and below the arrow to eliminate the arrow nock sliding up/down upon release (it happens). Then go higher on your nocking point, it seems too low (shelf wear)
Your brace seems way too short - holding the arrow on the string longer will really make it unforgiving of bow grip & string release. It also weakens the arrow - the reason it shot better for you at lower brace heights.
If you want to make the 45/60's shoot. You'll do best by raising the brace much higher (more forgiving), raise the nock more (more forgiving), and send me your address for some 100 grain brass inserts to weaken your shafts enough to make them shoot. What field point weights do you have now and need now?
Also, when you're evaluating right/left arrow flight (fish-tailing) relative to changing your spine (by adding/subtracting point weight) or evaluating up/down arrow flight(porpoising) by changing nock set heights, you should always hold the bow vertical to get a proper "read". Canting the bow at an angle will make a nock-too-high arrow porpoise at the cant angle, making it wobble up and down, but also right & left, due to the angle. Likewise with a stiff/weak arrow.
Tune with bow held vertical first, then, if there is a difference in flight of the vertically tuned combo caused by canting the bow, you can fine tune to eliminate the problem.
Also pm me your email and I'll send you a tuning tuning guide in pdf format.