Hi folks,
I can choose between a Cari-bow Peregrine or a Vodoo elk riser kustom (takedown)longbow from Steve Hartley.
Both are second hand (no, they are NOT in the classifieds) and like new and the owner asks about the same price for both.
I have already a Peregine which is 45 lbs at my drawlenght. The Peregrine is a fantastic bow, the best I ever shot (however, the Eaglewing Talon II static recurve was also the best of the best).
The second Peregrine will be 5 pounds higher in weight, so 50 lbs. That's were I was looking for, 5 pounds more.
However the Vodoo is exactly on 45 lbs too, and probably I can shoot the same arrows with it (as with my Peregine from 45 lbs).
The Vodoo is beautiful with its Elk riser, Snakeskin/walnut limbs and antler tips and bolts. The same for the Peregrine it's a 'Full Monty" bow.
The Vodoo should be a terrific shooter too I heard. The Vodoo is a take-down, the Peregrine isn't. Vodoo bows are rare, Peregrines just have a long delivery time.
I will be able to testdrive them both end May.
What do you say? (mind you, if you say "buy both" you must send me the money for I don't have it...
