Seems to me,that the term D Bow used for the cross section of an ELB,is a relatively new one,that i think it became popular,with a reference from Dean Torges.In times past,i have heard and read the cross section of an ELB,referred to as a round belly,or Stacked belly.Long before i ever heard of the internet,i heard the Term D bow used in reference to a bending handled Native style bow,that bent throughout its entire length,when braced.It resembled a letter D when braced.In order for a bow to have an absolute D shape to its profile,it must bend through the handle.Does the letter D have a slight flat spot,through the center of its arc?I dont believe so.Therefore,i dont believe,that a AFB with a static riser or grip section,would qualify,nor does some ELB's.Also,to use the Term ELB can have different definitions.There are the ELB war Bows that do work through the handle and the latter version of the Victorian style longbows,that had a more static grip.So,i believe by the true definition,that a D bow,is defined by the Braced profile,not the Cross section of the limbs,even though the D profile,can be obtained by different cross section styles of limb.