The question relates to competition rather than to general shooting or hunting...things that are often debated regarding the degree to which they can affect the outcome of a competition, other things being equal. Obviously there's no 'right' answer but the topics posed do seem to cover a big chunk of 'problem areas' whenever arguements come up over shooting rules. Another one that could have been added is shooting classes (too many or too few). But, of those posted I find the type of arrow makes a huge difference in how scores may end up. It's been said that any bow is a good bow but it's the arrow that makes the difference when shooters are equal in skill. Having shot all three arrow materials I feel that's true, which is why I'm an advocate of separating classes by arrow type as much as any other criteria. But, everyone has their own ideas and that's why we have sites like this express them for knowledge and entertainment. For those who didn't vote because they didn't like the choices, feel free to add your two cents as to what DOES make a key difference for YOU, regarding competitive advantage.