I hunted with Ridgerunner Outfitters last spring and shot 2 outstanding spring bears. We are going back this June for my second trip with them , with a full camp of Tradgang hunters. For 5 full days of hunting your license, 2 bear tags
1 wolf tag , use of shower , they will get you to your baits and back and help get your bears out, bring your own food , tent , ect. but you camp with them in the main camp ( you can see all this on his website ) they have 16 baits. Total price is like $1250 , plus how ever much it cost you to get there it is his econo bear hunt. Tell him Sam the recurve guy told you about it so he will know what kind of set up you will need ( I have been the only Trad hunter he has ever had ) but we will be there with a full camp of curves and longbows in a few weeks. Send me a PM if you want any more info and I will give you my number............