Yes, the KME knife sharpener will sharpen single bevel heads, no problem. Once you get the burr pushed to the flat side opposite the single bevel just hone it off making sure you hold the head flat against the hone / strop. You will LOVE the KME system. Buy the standard stone kit and then a couple of the extra course diamond stones and you are all set. I use the extra course for 90% of the work to be done, then switch to medium india, then the white hard arkansas to finish.
Biggest mistake most folks make is leaving the course stones too fast. You must make sure you have a full burr on both sides before leaving the course stones. I can shave hair with the course diamond stone edge. The you simply refine and polish the edge you have established. Once you have done the hard work of establishing a perfect bevel on all your cutting tools touch ups are 5 minutes tops !
Without making Ron blush I just cannot say enough good things about his KME system ! Best tool ever devised on this planet, PERIOD ! My knives have never been sharper, never been sharp from stem to stern, even 9" fillet knives ! Once I get started I enjoy it so much I usually run out of knives and would almost sharpen the butter knives in the house too. JMHO