You better shoot a couple broadheads before you settle in on that set up. I have a feeling that you may have cut them too short. If changing pt weight makes a "BIG" differenc, than you have something else going on there.
7595 wood grains will shoot out of a very heavy bow.
Forget about the paper tuning and cut the feathers off of one arrow. You can continue to shoot this arrow while you practice and it will help you to realize how consistant your form is.
I am shooting the 7595's with 400 up front out of an 80lb @ 31" bow and drawing that bow to 30.5"s. the arrows fly flawlessly either bare shaft, featherd shaft or featherd broadhead shaft. My bows however are only cut to center and I suspect that the shchaefer is cut past center.
good luck, bigjim