i found one nice buck dead in a creek, and while my girlfriend and i were out spotlighting for bullfrogs saturday nite, i shined some eyes.
we were seeing a lot of deer all along the river but theese eyes were close to the ground, so i thought it might be something else but as we got closer i shined my light on it again, and it was a big buck laying next to the water with his tounge hanging out the side of his mouth like he had been chasing does durring the rutt.(at first i thought he might have been hit by a train)
he let us get pretty close and we thought it was pretty cool(especially me) being that close to a real big buck. he got up and went into the trees. so we continued on up the river, and when we were coming back down i was shining the other side of the river and we were back to where we seen the big buck, we heard a big spash behind us and i turned the light in that direction and there he was standing in the water up to his chin less than 20 yds from us( wow!). he talerated us a couple minutes before bouncing to the bank and wandered off up through the weeds and into the trees.
so the next mornning on our way back down the river is when i found the other deer dead in a creek and it hit me that the big buck would most likely be dead also if it was blue tounge,
i talked to some kyakers that said they seen one farther up the river with its head cut off so im thinking the heat is causing the blue tounge around here.
i dont know much about the dasease but thats what im thinking it is.
what do you think?