In the past couple of weeks I have been practicing more on form than repetition. I have a new bow and an older bow (less poundage)that I am working with. I have learned some really important lessons. (reading post on here might have helped just a tad)
Nocks: these little do dads can really affect arrow flight
Strings: a FF string really improves speed and arrow flight, seems like I read that in a thread?
Form: Do I need to say anything? Might have been mentioned also...
Practice: If I'm doing it wrong, at least I'm doing it wrong all the time
Trad Archery: Crazy Fun and could cause a little bit of OCD! Enjoying the headaches for now!
Thanks for all the advise and post from your experiences! I hope to take my bow into the field this year and make meat. If not, I will continue to work on it and wait for the critters to come next time. Scout