I am in the insurance business in MI. My advice to everyone is to talk to your insurance agent before something happens and discuss your options and costs then proceed in the manner that is best for you. Without getting too technical or lengthy, every Homeowners policy has exclusions (things or events that are not covered) and limitations including the maximum amount they will cover including how much will be paid for specific items such as money, bank notes, gold, silver; loss by theft of jewelry, watches, furs, guns and a lot more. Bows and archery equipment are not identified like theft of firearms. Get your insurance policy out and read it…but not at bed time as it will put you to sleep. Also, one need keep in mind that damage and mysterious disappearance of personal property (things you own including expensive bows) are normally not covered with a Homeowners policy but normally can be if insured properly. Again talk to your insurance agent…but do it before something happens. Anything custom, high value, antique, rare, unique, etc. that you want to replace or be paid a certain amount if damaged, stolen, lost, etc. discuss those with your insurance agent…again before something happens. Insurance cannot go back and cover things that have already occurred! You notice I used a lot of “etc.” and “normally”…that is because insurance is very complex and varies by company and by state. I am an owner of and independent insurance agency. Independent insurance agencies represent many different insurance companies and therefore are able to offer many different options. Find an insurance agent you know, like and trust…and let them help you.