We have shot dozens of deer with them. We have sharpened them with Dremel tools, files, carbide cutters and diamond sticks. I know all that stuff about the shaving sharp edge is suppose to be better, but I have not seen a difference in the effects when I sharpened them exactly as the directions from Ekin compared to when I got them shaving sharp. I have been using single bevels from tempered unground blades for a few years and I find those to be easier to get either style edge sharp, also, I believe that I have been getting slightly better and shorter blood trails from the single bevels. The trick with using the file is you have to have a dead steady stroke to have a nice flat filed surface, none of this roundy filing thing. I made a broadhead holder out of a chunk of one by ash with a trough that pockets the arrow and supports the blades, it helps to have the arrow held very steady for accurate filing. Only use new files, I prefer Grizzly files and Grobet files.