Since my buds can’t stay up past their bed time and need their beauty sleep
And i’m not able to load my canoe on to the to roof my vehicle at the moment due to some back issues
i’ve resorted to walking the sloughs and backwater area of the local Lower Pascagoula WMA (Swamp). I’ve threaten to get new buddies if this keeps up lol!
One of them Tommy "Pascagoula Archer” asked me to post my latest adventure so he could see what been going on.
Since the last time out with Kirk Barnard I think i’ve been about 3 or 4 time out with a little success. But the thrill of the unknown is what it about when it so dark in the swamp that you can’t see a foot in front of you when the light is off Spoooky!
I love reading RC’s stories and adventure and his simple approach of telling of his days Journey. The land he frequents reminds me a lot of our here the rivers, creeks, and drainages and the interesting sight he comes across in his pursuits.
RC always seems to add a little excitement in his stories in the form of a winding, crooked, somewhat snaky way...