Everybody says to DO WHAT THE DOCs TELL YOU.
I agree with that. But do AS MUCH AS THEY WILL LET YOU DO.
My friend had rotator cuff surgery in mid-May
He is back to shooting 60-70# bows right now. He did as much as they let him do, if They said go,he went. HE really pushed him self as much as they would let him. He had to wait for the 6 weeks as well.
I just started shooting again this week after doing the doctor/thearapy thing for most of the summer.They say I have a partial labrel tear and frozen shoulder. Getting your ROM back does not feel good.
My people told me to do as much as I could stand to get the ROM back and to start with rebuilding strength in the supporting muscles. It took a little while as I have to pay out of pocket for my Thearapy, but I am getting back to shooting slow but sure this week. Even did about 2 miles of stumping this morning at day break.
Listen to the docs but push your self as much as they will let you. It hurts bigtime but you will be back before you know it. Get to 100% do not settle for 90% or 95% It will be worth it in the end.
Good luck and get well soon.