I have the opportunity to buy 2 dozen wood arrows off craigslist and I am unsure if it is a good deal or not. The guy is not into archery and does not know much about shooting from what I can tell. All I know is the arrows are 29 inches longs and the pic in the ad says Philips Archery Company. I offered him $60 but said I would have to see the arrows first. Im not sure if I can post the ad so I wont for now. I may go look at them and I am new to wood arrows so what should I look for? I imagine the spine is not labeled and I don't have a tester, is there another way I can tell? 1 doz has field points and the other has what looks like 2 blade BHs. They have feathers, nocks, tips, and cresting already installed. Included are two leather arm guards and a quiver.
If I can post the ad I will, but I will not until a Mod says so.