Well ya'll this was my actual first time in the woods stumpshooting. most of my stump shooting takes place shooing at tennis, and soccer balls or dandelions.... well anything in my yard really. So I took the kids and Mama out to my hunting property for a walk and to do some stumping. Max has a Samick Angel and I brought my Northern Mist Huron. It was a fabulous time.
this is max.
Here is one of the ladder stands
Max and a two yarder on an osage apple

all smiles after a hit with the team
we did some clearing, otherwise there is no way to get thru this property that is full of Black Locus, Osage, multiflora rose and the like.
Now this was very impressive. Max told me he was going to shoot that stick (fallen branch). 5 yards back. BAM BAM dead on it. And I don't know who was more excited.

Again cause I'm a proud papa

I hope you enjoy. I think I have a few more floating around ill get too.