We do unfortunately here a lot these days about guys getting ripped off, having bows stolen etc. so I though I'd just like to tip my hat to another great tradganger to deal with.
Traded bows with a fellow ganger and it was as smooth as could be with great communication and both parties being very happy with there new bows. Hat's to off to "bluej" Kenneth Chudej of west Texas.
I ended up with a new to me Kanati, which is a bow I've always wanted to try. I know everybody has different shapes and sizes and some bows fit and some don't. For me the MOAB has been my go to as it just fit me and the arrows went where I wanted. My new Kanati shoots right there with my MOABs equal in speed, smoothes and and just plain shoots for me.
62" 52lbs@28 and with my 30" draw
I'm shooting 630 gr. carbon's with 350 up front and it's still doing 180 fps +
Thanks Kenny , it fits like a glove