People here often have black bears come in when they are cow calling elk.I have friends that have called some bears in with the predator call.I know some like the jackrabbit sounds because it sounds a lot like a fawn in distress.
A call you never hear about is the "sow in heat" call from Woodwise Products.It is basically a low,moan and is generally used when you think there are bears within earshot.It would have been perfect for your situation.It works any time of year and will attract sows and boars.It isn't a real loud sound so bears have to be within a few hundred yards.
The good thing about the "sow in heat" call,is that it doesn't spook game or mess up your stand if you are waiting for deer etc.It is kind of like using a grunt call occasionally,just to try to stir something up.They may choose to ignore it but it doesn't spook anything.
I have called in 2 bears using the sow in heat call.The first time,I was sitting watching a spring and things were slow so I gave a couple soft moans and immediately,a blonde sow came walking down the ridge from an area where I had seen bears go to bed.
The second time was this past May,hunting over bait in Northern Saskatchewan.A bear fight broke out in thick brush,75 yds behind my stand.I couldn't see them but was sure that the winner would be walking right in.Well,after almost an hour,I realized it wasn't going to happen.I gave 2 soft moans and this bear came walking in from that direction,within less than a minute.
If you are interested in calling bears,Woodwise also has an excellent video that covers the use of predator calls,sow in heat,cub bawling and a variety of other bear vocalizations.It is the best thing I have seen on the subject.There is some good hunting footage on it as well.