I picked up a old style Black Swan metal riser that the limbs bolt on the front of the riser. I'm planing on converting it to DAS platforms.
But in just playing around with it and some other T/D limbs that I have, I made an amazing discovery. Pronghorn limbs are the exact match with bolt hole and locator pin hole to keep the limbs in alignment! The Pronghorn limbs are also the same width. They don't match at the top with a little bit of over hang but that is hardly noticeable. I also just happen to have a few extra Pronghorn limbs too.
My Black Swan/Pronghorn bow shoots great. Also loving the real small handle on the Black Swan. Now I'll drill and tap a hole on the back of the riser to add my leather strap Sniper Hog light. I love to tinker...tippit