I've been wondering for a while now if I should try to get a lighter bow, so I thought I'd throw the question out there for the collective wisdom of the group. I sold my compound earlier this year and picked up a used 64" Predator longbow that pulls 46# at 28". I'm 6'5", though, and my draw length is about 31", so I pull more like 52# at full draw. I know that's not all that heavy, call me a wimp.
I wasn't able to practice for much of the summer, but when I practice now I see occasional bits of unbelievable consistency (and hitting where I intend to). In between those bits, though, I'm all over the place and I know it's because my form isn't consistent. I just keep wondering if I'd see dramatic improvement in my form if I had a little lighter and longer bow...maybe 40# @ 28" so I was pulling around 45-46# at full draw. And maybe more like 66-68" so the stack wasn't so bad?
I know this is a very subjective question, but I'm hoping for a little insight. There are lots of things standing in the way of getting a lighter bow...
1) The money
2) Is it wise to learn a new bow in the middle of hunting season?
3) Will I be able to use the same arrows, practice tips and broadheads? (if not, more money)
4) Would it really be worth all the effort for 5-6# less?
I think the bottom line for me is, my compound is gone and I'm not getting another, so one way or another I will become proficient with traditional gear. When I manage to stack 4-5 arrows on top of each other, right where I'm aiming, I feel like extreme accuracy is possible, but then the next 4-5 will look like a buckshot pattern. I know I'm straining with the bow and my form changes. So what is the quickest, best bet for better consistency?