Good Morning Edmund, this type of Quiver has been in use to the best of my knowledge for over 1300 years. There are references that describe this Type of Quiver as a "Stand By" Quiver and that it has been in use since Primitive times - what ever that means
Here's a link to where I first saw a similar Asiatic Quiver, perhaps Eurasian may be a better description
While I'm at it here's a link to the Asian Traditional Archery Site, hours of fun here The more I learn about Archery around the World in Ages Past the more I understand how little I know
I am not an active Reinactor though I have done Selfbow and Arrow making demonstrations at the Abbey Medieval Fayre which is the biggest event of it's type in the Southern Hemisphere. I am more interested in learning about the vast array of Archery Equipment through making and using it than joining a Reinacment Group.
This type of Quiver is an evolutionary advance for me, I'm more of a Caveman type
I will be doing a Selfbow and Arrow making demonstration at next Years Abbey Fayre and I have grown tired of Outfit I have used at the other Fayre's as a full length Tunic is too hot to wear when working hard making a Selfbow and Arrows with period correct Tools
I will assemble a 10th Century Outfit because the Pants and short Tunic will be far cooler to wear. I bought the Knife blank as there is some evidence of Viking influence in 10th Century Central Europe and the edges of the Eurasian Steppe so their is a tenuous link to the Steppe Quivers and my new Magyar Bow, Fair Dinkum reinactors would probably be most unhappy - they'll get over it
regards Jacko