To those of you that have ever hunted Sika deer in our state know how much we love the Sika deer that were introduced here in Md.some time back and I want to share something I heard from an older gentlemen on Sunday at a church picnic I attended...
This older gentlemen takes care of some well known hunting land in Dorchester county in Md. Eastern shore and my neck of the woods and he showed me some pics of a very big sika stag that he had on a trailcam pic...As we were talking hunting etc. he told me he collered some sika deer a while back(not certain when exactly) but he was the man that collered it where he worked..Well he one day years later shot one of the deer he actually collered cause he has to keep the herd in check and he noticed this pretty big sika hind(doe) and thought it was time to take her and she gave him a good shot so he took her..He then went and checked the coller and the infomation he had on her and found out she was 19 yes nineteen years old at the time he took her...He also told me he put this coller on the sika's and they were already a few years old at the time of collering them...He said she still looked healthy and ate well cause they use feeders on the land and he said her meat was really good....I know sika's are a different breed of deer but never knew they could live that long..We have no hard winters,mostly fox's and an occasional yote or 2 and that could explain this sika Hind living that long...I thought at first he was making up the story but when his wife was by his side and agreed he was telling the truth I have to say I believe this deer actaully could of lived a few more years myself...Just wanted to share that with those that like to know about the sika deer here in Md.
Keefers <"))><