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Author Topic: and another stand stolen..  (Read 1520 times)

Offline Cory Mattson

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Re: and another stand stolen..
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2012, 10:44:00 PM »
doesn't sound like a hunter ? I could be wrong but this sounds like an anti hunter.

For hang on I use chippewas on my back lite strong quiet and perfect and I use simmons bolts and a woodpecker for hardwoods already mentioned earlier - we don't lose stands - but we don't hunt where people steal them eaither. Happened in an earlier life - so I fell your pain - tough losing equipment - the real lesson here is hunt somewhere else.
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Offline Red Beastmaster

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Re: and another stand stolen..
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2012, 10:55:00 PM »
Please don't take this wrong but if you walk away from something you can't expect it to be there when you return.

I've had several stands, ladders, steps, even reflective tacks stolen over the years. Yeah, I was pretty ticked about it too. But, in the end, I realized it was my own dumb fault for believing everyone had the same morals as me.

In recent years I was lucky to hunt some private land. I left a few stands with one climbing stick in place and would pull the bottom two after each hunt. Never had problem, but I fully expected to have them stolen. If they were, I would have no one to blame but myself.

If you leave it behind you are asking for trouble. Pull it each time or use a climber.
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Offline Tajue17

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Re: and another stand stolen..
« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2012, 12:39:00 PM »
I agree 100% I think we all have it in the backs of or minds that it might get taken,, I had a buddy who would leave his bow up on the tree all night too and he never even locked any of his stands and he never had one stolen,,,,, seriously this old buddy has stands to this day in the wide open not even hidden from view and not even locked and non of them ever get taken,,,, heres the kicker he died a year ago and his stands are still all out there I seen 5 of them yesterday!!

I do have climbers and use them, but I did buy another cheapy stand to hang in this area but really I'm doing that incase some other hunter wants this spot,,,,, I have heard of other hunters stealing stands to get people out of that spot and just in case I'm not going anywhere except this time there will be a huge chain and I'll remove the bottom 3 steps from the tree.

speaking of other hunters and someone said something about them not taking them but just messing with other stands,,, every year I always find my bow hoist rope cut from a few stands so I know theres other hunters messing around too.

Trail camera,,,, Yes its time for one. its hard leaving a 250.00 camera out there let along a 140.00 Gorilla Kong stand though. but I think I have to catch up to the times a bit and utilize it as a tool now.
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