I've been using a calf hair tab for a while now, and shoot pretty good with it. Lately, I've been having some shooting "issues", and nobody seems to be able to figure out what I'm doing wrong - my middle finger goes numb at the tip after shooting a few dozen arrows. I'm shooting a 48lb bow (at my 27" draw), 3 under, with a calf-hair tab.
I was told that a glove might help - so I bought a cheap one - Neet - for about $10. I should have known better - I hate it. I can't shoot with it either, and I've been trying for a while. I was told to try a better grade glove than the little hard leather model (finger tabs only with a little bit of elastic on the back of my hand, and a elastic / velcro strap.
Anyone have a recommendation for me? I think I would need a large size.
All the best,