After building a ghillie, I figured I'd share some tips for those who may want to tackle this operation.
#1. Unless you like to sew, tiny little zip ties work well for fastening your netting to your base clothing. I used 200 of them. A sharp awl works well for poking little holes to feed the zip tie through. Be prepared to stab your finger a few times....
#2. Cut all your strips of burlap, jute, whatever you're going to use twice as long as the length you want it, then tie it on the netting at the halfway point so that the end result is for each ONE piece of material you tie on, you get TWO pieces hanging. Twice the production! Make sense?
#3. Take the time to build a solid stand to hang your base clothing from. A coat hanger, the floor, the work bench, etc. doesn't work that well.
#4. If you've got all your materials cut, sorted, and bundled before you start tying it on, you're already miles ahead of the game.
#5. Burlap stinks something awful, plan on burying it for a week or two. Don't let the dog dig it up and destroy it.
#6. I liked the burlap to be stripped or combed out, leaving a bunch of strands. Instead of trying to take all the "horizontal" strands out at once, pull the "vertical" strands away from the "horizontal" then they basically just fall out. That one probably doesn't make sense, even in my head when I typed it.
#7. Start tying on material from BOTTOM to TOP for obvious reasons.
#8. If you've got some extra coin laying around and don't have about 20-40 hours to spend, just go buy one/order one.
#9. If your cutting strips of burlap from a sheet of burlap, take the extra time to follow the way the sheet is woven. Those sheets of burlap are not woven perfectly square/straight. So if you just start cutting strips without paying attention, you may actually be cutting across the strands that are supposed to make up your ghillie suit. When you start "stripping" or "combing" out your strips, you won't be left with very much, except a bunch of wasted time.
I think that's about it. I'm sure that i've missed some though. Just some things I wish I would have known before I started. Post your own tips if you got any others. Good luck!