I agree with YORNOC... If you can put all of your arrows in a paper plate at 10 yards, Fine!!! Go hunting and try to set up your shots for 10 yards. Also, I believe that it's easy to practice "too much"... People learning to shoot a traditional bow become tired very quickly!!! Starting about a month before the season, My son Tyler and I only used 1 arrow for practice. It slows you down, and makes you concentrate on that "1st shot". The day before opening day, He practiced for about a half hour. All but 3, were right in the kill zone!!! We only started practiceing in July, and this is Tylers 1st year deer hunting. After the season opens, we do not "practice" anymore... However, we both carry a Judo point arrow in our quiver, and always take a few practice shots. (usualy at squirrels LOL)
Shooting a bow is like throwing a ball... It's a learned body function. How many Big League pitchers throw a few bad pitches, then go all to hell??? They get tired and throw a few bad ones, then their confidance gets "shaken" and they go all to $hi+!!!!!
The same thing can happen shooting a bow..... If you have a "bad" practice session, you start to doubt yourself. After all, there's no gadgets to blame it on like a wheelie bow. You're just having a bad day!!!!! Time to put the bow away, and try again tomorrow. (after all, the lawn really needs to be mowed,LOL)
If you're "in there" you're fine!!! GO HUNTING!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!!