Isn't it funny how some hunts that almost, but not quite, result in success can be considered so successful? Today was one of those days.
I don't shoot at, let alone kill, many deer these days. Generally, they wind up walking. With bucks, I seem to always debate with myself as to whether I should let them walk in hopes of better development next year. However, this morning, when he came in I immediately knew I wanted to take the shot. He was of big rack and big body - a truly beautiful deer.
This was a good hunt. So far, I had only been to the woods twice this season without seeing anything. However, today I saw five, including Bullwinkle's cousin. Early on, two does came in but no shot opportunity presented itself, so not shooting was never debatable. Later, I decided to try rattling, something I have never had much success with. Within two minutes a doe came in, and then I heard faint grunts coming from behind her.This very nice buck came in, but he was suspicious all the way. In fact every single deer that came in looked up in the tree and saw me, but apparently, did not recognize me as a threat, because none of them bolted. Another deer behind me was blowing constantly, and Big Boy was dividing his concentration between the other deer and me.
As I drew the bow, the string touched my chest before it was at full draw, so I did not shoot. I figured, incorrectly of course, that I could shift position slightly and get a full, comfortable draw. However, the old boy finally decided to back off, so the Hill Cheetah did not get to spring into action. The buck was not really scared but backed out of range to look things over. He finally circled out a bit wider and went around me. Following him was a lesser buck that, fortunately for him, took the wide route the first buck used. This guy was only in danger because the big buck had raised the blood lust in me, and in truth, I would have shot at a field mouse by this time.
So, despite some very exciting and tense moments, this hunt ended without back straps for the skillet. However, it was really, really fun. The deer were in abundance, and the weather was superb. Yeah, its really funny how the lack of success can be so successful. Maybe that's why we love the whitetailed deer so much.