Well I got a chance to close the deal this morning and muffed it. There I was, minding my own business when this 6 point buck encroached on my personal space (interrupted my nap). Nothing spectacular about the set up except that I estimated range at about 25 yds, and it was more like 28 or so. Arrow passed just under his chest, but at least it was a clean miss. Only damage was to the cutting edge on the Zwickie and my pride. Oddly, it felt right on when I released.
At least I am seeing deer now. For several weeks in the pre-season and well into archery season, I saw nothing. In the last two weeks, I have now seen 14 deer, four of which have been bucks. All passed within range but only 3 have had really makeable shots, the one I missed and two spikes that I passed up. Maybe I can get out again over the weekend.